




  古人云:“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。”我们也要学会创造文明,多做些有意义的事。我想,也许有人会说:“我哪儿会创造文明埃”其实,请大家想一想,如果没有创造文明的人,又哪儿来的文明呢?所以,我们要在平时的学习 ,生活中有意识的去培养我们文明的习惯。我们要把文明和我们的生活合而为一。我们要做到每当我们走在路上看见废纸可以自然而然的将它捡起;每当你看见老师同学能够自然而然的打招呼。



  文明又是一种气质。它让别人看到了你“高雅脱俗”的一面 ,可能你做的一切是微不足道的、平平常常的,但是,你良好的习惯、讲文明的行为,往往会使人称赞:“这人真有气质!”














  Dear leaders, judges and friends

  hello everyone!

  I"m Pang Yi from the State Administration of Taxation of XX district. The title of my speech is: the power of civilization.

  Viewers who like watching TV will be deeply impressed by such a public service advertisement: passer-by a helps the children gently take the ball accidentally thrown into the tree, and the children laugh; Passerby B helped the tottering old man walk across the zebra crossing safely, and the old man laughed; Passer by C helps the dustman push the cart uphill, and the dustman smiles. Civilized behavior can be seen everywhere in the early morning streets. The power of civilization, moistening things silently, firmly promotes the harmonious development of society. The wind of civilization not only blows genially in the streets and alleys, but also in the Community streets. In recent years, as the tax department of the state public service, we have been committed to building a civilized and harmonious relationship between tax collection and payment, and actively practicing the civilized fashion of "accumulating wealth for the country and serving the people".

  On an ordinary tax day, an old aunt who is nearly 60 years old comes to file a tax return. Although she does not need to pay tax in the current month, she has to pay a certain amount of fine because she has exceeded the prescribed time limit for filing a tax return. Don"t pay taxes. Why should you pay a fine? The old aunt didn"t understand. She thought that the tax bureau was charging indiscriminately and harming the taxpayers. A lot of noise, coupled with some unknown taxpayers, added fuel to the fire, which made the tax service hall in the tax period a pot of porridge.

  "Auntie, come on, don"t just stand, your legs are sore! Come and sit over here At this time, a concerned greeting and a cup of fragrant hot tea, like a warm wind of civilization, gently dispelled the anxiety of the tax service department. The tax cadre asked his aunt to sit on the sofa in the rest area with a smile, and sat down beside him with a copy of the tax administration law, Take out a pen and paper, while describing the terms and regulations patiently and carefully explained to the aunt, while playing a home routine with the aunt, your words and my words seem to be friends and relatives in the heart to heart talks, so that the original confusion and opposition melting ice and snow, into the invisible.

  Aunt happily paid the fine and left the tax service hall with a smile. Patient guidance and civilized service quietly resolve the contradiction between law enforcement and service, stimulate the sincerity and trust between people, and let us see and feel the extraordinary beauty of life. Sincere service, return is respect and trust; Advocating civilization creates harmony and harmony. A small matter, let us know how to do a qualified tax workers.

  Since the launch of the cultural creation activities, every staff member of the State Taxation Bureau of XX district has taken "be urgent to the taxpayers, think what the taxpayers think" as their motto, and paid attention to service in law enforcement, and carried forward the new trend of civilization in service. We have opened the "online tax" system, so that taxpayers can easily handle taxes without leaving home; We launched the "mobile SMS service" platform, which enables taxpayers to understand tax related matters more quickly and timely; We have carried out "open government affairs", "first asking responsibility system" and "limit on commitment" to standardize the tax service from the system; We have set up a tax service unit to provide special services for taxpayers. During the tax publicity month, we set up stalls, provided free tax law consultation, and enthusiastically answered tax related questions; During the tax period, the staff of the tax office worked overtime and forgot to eat and sleep to handle tax related matters for taxpayers. When faced with the censure of taxpayers, we are more introspective and believe that understanding and trust are the ties between people; When encountering the praise of taxpayers, we will say thank you and express our joy and gratitude with a faint smile. Taxpayers laugh, we laugh, and everyone laughs. Who has the power to change our world? This is the power of civilization!

  Civilization is the wind, blowing her heart; Civilization is a cloud. It"s over the sky. Civilization is the rain, which moistens the earth; Civilization is a flower. It is always blooming and fragrant.

  Once a taxpayer who often came to work told us: "in fact, our unit is far away from here. It"s not easy to go back and forth. However, seeing your sincere smile and hearing your warm voice, the tiredness suddenly disappeared. It"s not only reassuring, but also comfortable to work here! " This is not only the recognition of taxpayers, but also the desire for sincere service and civilized service.

  Perhaps, we have encountered shortness of weight, perfunctory deception, past promotion, procrastination and deception, unreasonable abuse, confusion and grievance, but no matter how difficult, creative writing is our bounden responsibility. Towering mountains begin with the accumulation of soil, while torrential rivers begin with small streams. Creating a culture requires the joint efforts of every unit and everyone. Although we are ordinary and meager, as long as we join hands, we will be able to create a harmonious and beautiful new home with the power of civilization.

  Thank you!















  Dear leaders and friends

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "building a civilized city, start with me".

  Civilization is a breeze, refreshing people"s mood; Civilization is a lamp that lights up the future; Civilization is a rain, moistening the dry soul.

  Our XX County strives to become a national civilized city, which requires me to know, participate and contribute. We should speak civilized words, do civilized things, be civilized people and create a civilized city. Civilization starts from the foot, starts from you and me, and starts bit by bit.

  If we want to change the appearance of a city, we should not only do a good job in construction, but also spread spiritual civilization well. The people are the masters of the city. They are not only the beneficiaries of urban civilization, but also the builders of urban civilization. Urban civilization is inseparable from and depends on individual civilization. As a member of the city family, every citizen has the responsibility and obligation to add color to our city through his own civilized behavior. Building a better city is not only a matter for the government, but also for every citizen. Only by working together, starting from bit by bit, starting from me, starting from today, and actively contributing to the creation of a civilized city, can we build our city more and more beautiful.

  I once saw a public service advertisement: someone asked me, can the broadcast of a public service advertisement change those bad habits in our lives? I said no. Public service ads may not cure those uncivilized phenomena in society, but I believe that a public service ad is like a lamp. If the light is brighter, there will be less darkness around us. And I believe that everyone"s heart is like a window, open the window, light will come in. I believe that civilization is around us, very close to us and within reach. When you walk in the street and see a piece of waste paper on the ground, will you look down and pick it up? When you see old people and children on the bus, will you give up your seat? When you see a blind man crossing the road, do you take the initiative to help him? When someone falls down on a rainy day, will you help him And so on a series of small things around you, will you seriously do it?

  We can"t blindly ask others how to be "civilized". First of all, we should be "civilized" and drive everyone with our own practical actions to contribute to the society. Civilization can be seen in details, and creation starts from me.

  To create a civilized city and build a civilized XX, we should also queue up and keep order. As the saying goes, I queue up, I am civilized, I am courteous and I am happy. Don"t rush to get on the bus, don"t be afraid to get off the bus, help the old and weak, everyone will praise you. Car let people, let a civilization; People give up the car, give up a share of safety; Let the car go. Let the order go. You make me feel better.

  Civilization is in our heart, and it will be revealed in our life. Sometimes, one more gesture is more considerate to others; Sometimes, more patient waiting is a kind of love for others; Sometimes, a little more sharing means more warmth to others. Each of us takes a small step, and society will take a big step.

  Civilization is the soul of a city, and virtue is the foundation of a city. Civilization is the beginning of happiness; Civilization is the most beautiful gift in life. Perhaps, as long as a silent leader, can drive a town of holy wind; Perhaps, with just a little civilization embellishment, it can arouse people"s most beautiful memories. When you stretch out your hand with grace, when you speak a word with self-cultivation, people"s hearts will be filled with a different kind of soothing feeling

  In this critical period of "striving for a civilized city", we should actively pay attention to the process of "creating a city", publicize and participate in various activities of "creating a city". Every word and deed is related to feelings, and we will work together to build a civilized city. Students, let"s join hands to contribute to the city. Strive for a civilized city, from you and me, from the side of the small things. Do good every day and you will become a river. Let the flowers of civilization bloom all over the streets of Jiangcheng, full of China!

  Thank you!













  Dear leaders, judges and audience friends

  hello everyone! I"m XXX from XX town government. Today, I"m very proud to stand in front of this small rostrum to discuss the topic of urban innovation with you. The topic of my speech is: hand in hand to offer love and build Wujiang civilization.

  Under the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the industrious and intelligent Wujiang people, relying on a share of emotion, perseverance, responsibility and righteousness, interpret the connotation and essence of reform and opening up with the unprecedented rapid development of economy and society. Today"s Wujiang, like a galloping horse, gallops in the vast land of northern Guangdong. New records have been set again and again in attracting business and investment. Factories have sprung up in the industrial park, and urban infrastructure construction is changing with each passing day. However, in real life, when we enjoy the convenience and prosperity brought by the city, we all regret to find that we are also suffering from the pollution and noise caused by many uncivilized behaviors. Behind the seemingly beautiful and clean streets, in fact, there are too many dirt that have not been cleaned up in time; On the seemingly wide and smooth road, there are occasional fruit peel and paper scraps floating around with the morning wind; Civilized people, who seem to be well dressed, sometimes use vulgar language to destroy the harmonious atmosphere of civilization. These people seem to think that creating a culture is a matter of "nothing to do with themselves and hanging high".

  In fact, to create a national civilized city is not a government performance project or image project, but a popular project that can be completed only when the whole people actively participate in and work together; The degree of civilization of a city is not reflected in high-rise buildings, colorful flowers, but in every citizen"s thoughts, words and deeds; Civility and politeness is not a beautiful slogan, nor is it an ancient and sacred insc ription put on the shelf for people to worship. It exists around us, and we can think of, do, and do what we can!

  It reminds me of a story about old craftsmen building houses. When an experienced craftsman was about to retire, he told his boss that he would leave the construction industry and go home to enjoy family with his wife and children. The boss was reluctant to let the good craftsman go and asked him if he could help build another house at last. The old craftsman hesitated for a while and reluctantly agreed. In fact, his heart was no longer at work. Therefore, in the process of building houses, the old craftsmen used soft materials and did rough work. When the house was finished, the boss handed him the key to the front door and said, "thank you for paying for me for decades. This house is my gift to you.". After hearing this, the old craftsman was stunned and ashamed. If he had known that he was building a house for himself, how could he have been so careless. A lot of times, why don"t we? Work is not a positive action, but a negative response, not honest, lack of a sense of responsibility, not willing to keep improving everything, at a critical moment can not do their best. When we realized our situation, we were already trapped in the "house" we built.

  Through this story, we can realize that we also have the obligation and responsibility to maintain urban civilization. The city is my home, and the creation of culture depends on everyone! In fact, we can do a lot, can start from the little bit of life. For example, if you bend down every day to pick up a piece of paper on the ground, then you will walk a more clean road; If you use one less plastic bag every day, there will be less white pollution; If you turn off the lights at home in the daytime, you will waste less energy; If you refuse to use disposable chopsticks and disposable paper cups, you will take more care of the green forest.

  My friends, there is no end to civilization and there is no end to creation. Let"s work hand in hand, pay attention to the changes around us with love, and make ourselves worthy of the trust of the blue sky above us; With enthusiasm to sow the seeds of urban innovation, so that they are worthy of the support of the land under their feet; With action to achieve the goal of urban culture creation, civilization is no longer a pure idea. Let"s depict the beautiful and civilized new XX and compose new brilliance together!

  This concludes my speech. Thank you!


































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